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DOOM III GNU/Linux x86 1.3, build 1302 (1 cd)


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Doom has a science fiction/horror theme, and a simple plot. The background is only given in the game's manual, and the in-game story is mainly advanced with short messages displayed between the game's episodes. The player takes the role of a nameless space marine (referred to as "Doomguy" by many fans), "one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action", who has been deported to Mars for assaulting a senior officer when ordered to kill unarmed civilians. He is forced to work for the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC), a military-industrial conglomerate that is performing secret experiments with teleportation between the moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. Suddenly, something goes wrong and creatures from Hell come out of the teleportation gates, or "Gateways". A defensive response from base security fails to halt the invasion, and the bases quickly get overrun by demons; all personnel are killed or turned into zombies. At the same time, Deimos vanishes entirely. A UAC team from Mars is sent to Phobos to investigate the incident, but soon radio contact ceases and only one human is left alive — the player, whose task is to make it out alive.[4] Episode I: Knee-Deep in the Dead takes place in the military base on Phobos. In this image the main character is currently using the chainsaw, a powerful mêlée-only weapon. Pools of toxic waste are visible on both sides, and a zombified human approaches. Enlarge Episode I: Knee-Deep in the Dead takes place in the military base on Phobos. In this image the main character is currently using the chainsaw, a powerful mêlée-only weapon. Pools of toxic waste are visible on both sides, and a zombified human approaches. Episode III: Inferno is set in Hell. The main character has just fired the shotgun at a group of Imps and is cycling it. He is injured and has only seven shells left. Enlarge Episode III: Inferno is set in Hell. The main character has just fired the shotgun at a group of Imps and is cycling it. He is injured and has only seven shells left. In order to beat the game, the player must fight through three episodes containing nine levels each (see Episodes and levels of Doom). Knee-Deep in the Dead, the first episode and the only one in the shareware version, is set in the high-tech military bases on Phobos. It ends with the player fighting the Barons of Hell and afterwards entering the teleporter leading to Deimos, there getting overwhelmed by monsters and seemingly killed. In the second episode, Shores of Hell, the player journeys through the Deimos installation, whose areas are interwoven with beastly architecture. After encountering the Cyberdemon, the truth about the vanished moon is discovered: it is floating above Hell. The player climbs down to the surface, and the final episode, Inferno, begins. After destroying the final boss, the Spider Mastermind, a hidden doorway opens for the hero who has "proven too tough for Hell to contain", leading back home to Earth. The expansion pack Ultimate Doom adds a fourth episode, Thy Flesh Consumed, chronicling the marine's return to Earth.
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