⇡ Xubuntu Linux

Xubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS Desktop i386 (1 CD)


Not to be left behind, Xubuntu 6.06 has also been released: "Today sees the first launch of Xubuntu 6.06 LTS. This version of Xubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and brings you all of the latest XFce goodness." Xubuntu's new desktop features: "XFce 4.4beta1 including a more flexible panel, many panel plugins and icons on the desktop; Thunar file manager; GDM desktop manager; Gnome Office (latest AbiWord and Gnumeric); Evince document viewer; Xarchiver archive manager; Xfburn simple CD burner; Xubuntu System Tools for GUI system administration...."

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