⇡ CollegeLinux

CollegeLinux 2.5 - Live Server (1 cd)


As reported more than three weeks ago, CollegeLinux 2.5 is back: "As we started to be one of the first distribution aimed to give you a truly learning experience, once again we have tried to give you something more. Not yet another distro. Not yet another live Linux. But a live server! That's right, a server that you can bring with you anywhere you go, and soon with the possibility to save your site pages and details on a CollegeLinux.org account. CollegeLinux Live Server is a Debian Linux based Live CD. As soon as you start, it is a fully capable PHP5, Perl and Ruby webserver, preloaded with GEdit and Vim for editing scripts with syntax highlighting."

Cara Beli ⇢
Lokasi Toko Kami ⇢
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