⇡ LG3D LiveCD

LG3D LiveCD 2.5 (1 cd)


A new stable version of LG3D LiveCD, a SLAX-based distribution showcasing the 3D-enabled Looking Glass desktop, has been released: "LG3D-LiveCD 2.5 available. There have been some great changes to the choice of included software: LG3D LiveCD uses now LG3D version 0.8.0 RC1, Java 6, Java3D 1.5.0 and JAI 1.1.3. This sounds pretty unstable and 'testing-only', however it seems to be quite stable. Version 2.5 is the first LG3D LiveCD released in two flavours: The 'full' edition available right now includes OpenOffice.org, GIMP, Quanta+, and other often requested software

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Lokasi Toko Kami ⇢
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Jual LG3D LiveCD 2.5 (1 cd) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali