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Distro spesial dari Indonesia, untuk kebutuhan VoiP dan PABX. Code name: Kilat Meaning, you can get your own thousands of dollars commercial grade IP-PBX in a speed of light by using Briker ! (well thats not entirely true, nothing faster than light, is it?). ISO available in 2 versions, 32-bit version and 64-bit version. Changelog: Version 1.2 "Kilat" - 091114 * [pbx] adjust several default configurations * [pbx] fix various bugs on Billing * [pbx] fix unable to detect unavailability on GXP-2000 BLF * [pbx] fix broken ChanSpy due to asterisk 1.4.26 updates * [pbx] fix security hole on Briker Core from RFI LFI * [pbx] add Briker Core feature: User Access Level * [pbx] add Briker Core feature: Briker FAX Management v0.9 (early release) * [pbx] add chan_oss to utilize soundcard as intercom, but not loaded by default * [pbx] add chan_ooh323 from asterisk-addons 1.4.9, but not loaded by default * [pbx] remove chan_h323 * [pbx] enable Call Detail Record by default * [pbx] default country indication set to dk * [pbx] default tone zone to dk, nearest standard for Indonesia * [pbx] add IPPBX function: Curl function * [pbx] add IPPBX function: ODBC function * [pbx] add IPPBX module: Device Auto Provisioning * [pbx] remove IPPBX module: Zapauto * [pbx] update IPPBX module: Print extension * [pbx] update IPPBX module: Backup and Restore * [pbx] update IPPBX GUI to use DAHDI * [pbx] upgrade fax module to match spandsp version * [pbx] upgrade Sangoma driver for BRI, PRI and TDM to wanpipe 3.5.6 * [pbx] upgrade DAHDI to include Xorcom astribank tools * [pbx] upgrade device drivers and to use DAHDI * [pbx] upgrade to asterisk * [lin] move /home to /var/home, /tmp to /var/tmp * [lin] set partition for small root (max. 4GB), enough swap, /var the rest * [lin] add imagemagick and ghostscript for FAX Management * [lin] add nmap to help scanning MAC address for device auto provisioning * [lin] add and enable tftp-server for device auto provisioning * [lin] add and enable ntp-server for phone time synchronization * [lin] add syslogd and klogd, previously removed * [lin] add logrotate, previously not included * [lin] add vim, we use vim now instead mcedit * [lin] remove mc and mcedit * [lin] change default filesystem from reiserfs to ext4 * [lin] update FAQ list * [lin] upgrade spandsp libraries to 0.0.6 * [lin] upgrade mysql to 5.1.37 * [lin] upgrade lighttpd to 1.4.23 * [lin] upgrade base Linux distribution, kernel 2.6.28 Enjoy :)