⇡ Arch Linux

Arch Linux 2009.02 i686 (1 CD)


Distro linux dengan semboyannya "A simple, lightweight linux distribution". Ya, dan memang terbukti benar, distro ini mantap untuk dijalankan dimesin-mesin dengan spesifikasi rendah apalagi spek tinggi. perlu anda coba! Fitur terbarunya diantaranya sudah support ext4

Aaron Griffin has announced the release of Arch Linux 2009.02, an independently developed community distribution, based on a rolling-release package model and targeted at competent GNU/Linux users: "We proudly announce the release of the new Arch Linux installation images, version 2009.02. It took us quite a while, but we think the result is worth it - we added some cool new things and ironed out some long-lasting imperfections. 2009.02 comes with the following features: Linux kernel 2.6.28; ext4 support, installation can be done on a ext4 root partition; rescue and maintenance capabilities for ext4 root partitions; fallback ISOs with the ISOLINUX bootloader, for those that have trouble booting GRUB-based images; several bug fixes in the installer; brought the included documentation up to date; inclusion of AIF (Arch Linux Installation Framework), the next generation installer, currently under development
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