⇡ Mangaka

Linux Mangaka One CD (1 CD)


Distro linux berbasis CruncBang (masih turunan ubuntu namun ringan), khusus untuk penggemar Manga Jepang. Selain sebagai livecd bisa juga diinstall ke pc/laptop/netbook. Anda yang suka membaca komik, video, atau suka mengkonvert video pasti akan suka distro ini. Semua tools yang Anda butuhkan sudah disediakan dalam distribusi linux ini.

Mangaka is an Ubuntu with LXDE combined distro, aimed to focus on Multimedia and Networking sources to run faster, easier and usefullier in your Home-PC/Netbook as possible. Mangaka boots in a cheap Atom Netbook up to 20sec. and on a normal PC in 8sec. That means, you needn’t waste your time waiting for long boots.

Linux Mangaka is a new, Japanese anime-flavoured distribution and live CD. It is based on a lightweight variant of Ubuntu called CrunchBang Linux, with LXDE as the default desktop.

Requirements Minimum CPU: Pentium II 266 MHz RAM: 192 MB GPU: 8mb HDD: 2gb Recommend CPU: 1.6ghz (Intel Atom, VIA Nano, AMD Neo) RAM: 512mb (ddr2) GPU: 32mb (Nvidia, Intel, ATi) HDD: 4gb

Cara Beli ⇢
Lokasi Toko Kami ⇢
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Jual Linux Mangaka One CD (1 CD) ★★★★★ beli di Toko Baliwae Linux, Shop Baliwae Linux di Denpasar Bali